Our Leaders
Our church is led by a group of men called elders. It’s a term the Bible uses alongside “pastor” or “shepherd” (see 1 Tim. 3:1-7; Tit. 1:5-9; 1 Pet. 5:1-5). These men are appointed by the members of our church to teach the Bible, to provide pastoral care, and to equip us all for ministry to one another.

Lucas Page
Pastor Lucas Page came to be our Pastor in May 2016. He has his M. Div. from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, and B.A. in Spanish from Western Kentucky University. Lucas served two years as Associate Pastor of Living Hope Baptist Church in Hopkinsville, KY before coming to be our pastor. He is passionate about Evangelism, Expository Preaching, and the Local Church displaying the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all in our community. His wife Meredith and he have six children- Clara Dale, Luke, Josiah, Asher, Jane Diane, and Iain.
Recommended Authors and Preachers:
John Piper, Mark Dever, Iain Murray and Paul Washer.

Jordan Begley
Pastor Jordan was recently ordained as our second Elder/Pastor at Bethany. He has been a member here serving faithfully for the last 5 years. He is from Somerset, KY and has a Bachelors both from Crown Bible College and Western Kentucky University. He and his wife Brooke have 4 children: Nola, Graham, Eden, and Forrest.
Our church is served by a group of men called deacons. It’s a term the Bible uses alongside “minister” or “servant” (see 1 Tim. 3:8-13). In Acts 6, we see the first church in Jerusalem setting aside deacons in order that the Apostles can give their time to the ministry of the word and prayer. Our deacons are similarly appointed to humbly serve our church in various practical ways therefore setting an example for all members of the body.
Nelson Hardcastle
Nelson is married to Rita and they have one daughter, Tiffany and four grandchildren: Lucas, Hailey, Adalyn and Hudson. Nelson is ready to serve in any capacity, but you will find him most often serving people in our church hospitality.
John Evans
John is married to Charissa. They have twin daughters, Grace and Audrey. John is ready to serve our church in any physical needs behind the scenes, you will find him making sure our worship service and Sunday School hours run smoothly.
Steve Evans
Steve and Sue have been married for 53 years! You will find each of these servant hearted people teaching Sunday School classes on Sunday. Steve also serves our church by taking care of all of our finances and benevolence to those in need.